The Arbre Labex (“Tree” Laboratory of Excellence) is a partner of Science & You 2015.
As part of the Journées Hubert Curien Conference, researchers will present the “Survivors” project, a participatory research project involving junior high school students, and focused on tree mortality in forests.
Why, when some trees are dying because of drought, are others able to survive?
To test hypotheses, an experiment was set up consisting of tracking the survival of 1,000 beech trees.
An experiment led in collaboration with 80 college students to teach them how a research project is run, and the different methods and tools used, as they are guided by technicians and researchers. Each student is the guardian of one tree for two years, to assess 'his' tree's state of health and measure its parameters.
The Arbre Labex will also be present at the Science & Culture Forum, with the “Experimentarium", discovery workshops organized around researchers’ questions, gestures and everyday objects. This is an original approach that enables the public and particularly children to realize that science is above all a human activity, made up of imagination, observations, hypotheses, challenging ideas and discoveries.
The Arbre Labex is a Laboratory of Excellence which studies the functioning and productivity of forest ecosystems in a context of climate change and aims to identify new ways for the preservation and development of these ecosystems.