Comic Strips Drawing
Pierre Etienne Bertrand, illustrator, Peb&Fox
PEB is an author-illustrator, graphic designer and occasional photographer. He has been active since 2005 in the field of illustration, comics and the plastic arts: press, graphics, books, school interventions or workshops, and exhibition creations.
He also voluntarily invests in the publishing house Le Potager Moderne (which offers independent comic books as well as books made by visual artists), by supporting the authors in the creation of their book or in the highlighting of their work at exhibitions.
Since 2015, PEB has been developing scientific mediation work in images, on various media, and regularly images thesis subjects (UL, Fête de la Science, CEA, etc.).
Caroline Grandjean, Métropole du Grand Nancy, FRANCE
Caroline Granjean is responsible for the Public Department of the Museum Pole of the Greater Nancy Metropolis. Its mission is to develop a coherent public policy that is accessible to as many people as possible within the following 3 cultural establishments: the Nancy Museum-Aquarium, the Museum of the History of Iron and the Château de Montaigu.
She has worked with the reception and mediation teams of the Pôle muséal since its creation in January 2019. Before that, she was responsible for mediation at the Museum-Aquarium for more than 10 years.
Today, she also actively participates in the creation of exhibitions, temporary and permanent, of establishments.
Léa Pellarin, storyteller
Already very young, Léa Pellarin dreamed of traveling. No need to go to the other side of the world, the field behind his house became a place of all possibilities. Raging sea, arid desert, grand canyon ... It is from this land that he got his taste for stories. Still on all fours or climbing trees, gradually Leah mixed his love of nature with the stories.
Storyteller of stories she likes to tell spicy stories, where the real and the wonderful blend to give a touch of madness in our lives.
Delphine Charles, Université de Bordeaux, FRANCE
Delphine Charles is currently scientific communication officer at the University of Bordeaux.
After a Masters in biology and ecology, she obtained a Master in Mediation of Sciences. Driven by her passions for science and writing, she began working for the La Montagne newspaper of the Center France group, then became a science journalist at the University of Bordeaux.
She worked for 10 years in the Mediations of Sciences master's program at Bordeaux Montaigne University, participates in the training of doctoral students (as part of the My thesis in 180s ... competition) and leads writing workshops.
Julia Blumberg, choreographer
Choreographer, performer and teacher, Julia Blumberg has directed and directed several dance companies such as Les Mécaniques Cintrées in Epinal, and Mophato Dance Theater in Botswana. His work earned him get the 1st prize at the International Competition of jazz dance Florence.
His career as an interpreter has developed internationally, in several companies whose diversity feeds his creativity and eclecticism. In 2012, his meeting with the Botswanan choreographer Andrew Kola invites him to explore a very bodily and anchored perception of rhythm, sound and movement.
Holder of the DE in dance option jazz, but also a master's degree in dance therapy and psychopedagogy, she puts her skills at the service of all audiences (professionals, amateurs, schools, disabled ...) and works regularly with school audiences.
Magali Cabanas, Université de Franche-Comté, FRANCE
Long concerned with the dissemination and sharing of knowledge, Magali Cabanas first studied biology up to a doctorate, before continuing with a master's degree in science mediation in Bordeaux.
At the end of 2018, she joined the team of the Sciences, Arts and Culture department of the University of Franche-Comté, whose mission is to forge links between research carried out at the university and citizens.
Responsible for scientific mediation projects, her role is to develop and coordinate actions such as cultural courses for schoolchildren, the training of students, or the creation of exhibitions and workshops for FABRIKÀ, as many missions for which she appreciates diversity.
Escape game
Cédric Lacrouts &
Florian Bertholet, Les Jeux Thèmes
The Jeux Thèmes (SARL) are intended to create tailor-made life-size games. These games are the vector for educational, heritage and cultural development.
Cédric and Florian, the creators of Les Jeux Thèmes, both come from an educational background and attach great importance to the consistency, accuracy and charm of their games.
One motto: "Learning by playing"
Coralie Biguzzi, Université de Bourgogne, FRANCE
Coralie Biguzzi has been in charge of scientific mediation at the Mission Culture Scientifique of the Université de Bourgogne (France) for six years, after several years of research in Food Sciences.
She is responsible for days of Experimentarium in Burgundy, where young researchers from all disciplines - mainly PhD students - meet schoolchildren and the general public.
Upstream, Coralie trains these researchers to learn to recount their daily lives around objects that have left their laboratory. She also participates in the organization of European Researchers Nights in Dijon, in particular to help researchers design participatory experiences.
Puppet Theatre
Yannick Toussaint, Histoire d'Eux
It was through contemporary theater that he began his career, participating for ten years in a row in the "Summer Monsoon" alongside Michel Didym and Laurent Vacher, as assistant, then as director.
He discovered puppetry in 1998, through the Czech company Divadlo Continuo. It’s a real eye opener for him. The following year he founded Aritophane and Michichi, then the company Histoire d’Eux in 2005.
He constantly pursued his training, and notably opened up to shadow theater alongside Cie Gioco Vita or to paper theater with Alain Lecucq and the company Papier théâtre.
Catherine Flauder, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, FRANCE
Catherine Flauder develops scientific and technical culture projects related to the university's research themes, aimed at the greatest number and with particular care for people with disabilities. To do this, she supports researchers in mediating their subjects.
She designs exhibitions, organizes events such as Three Minute Thesis, Pint of science or meetings between high school students and the world of research. She is also a trainer for doctoral students.
Contemporary Theatre
Justin Jaricot, Le Saut du Tigre dans le Passé
Justin is an actor and theater director. His work stands at the intersection of theater and the literary form of critical essay. He calls his credo "the staging of knowledge".
He played in Le Misanthrope ou la conquête du courage directed by Maxime Chazalet, presented at the Grande Halle de La Villette in Paris in February 2020.
He is currently working on the thought of the Frankfurt School in support of the essay Dialectique de la pop by the philosopher and musician Agnès Gayraud, and is developing a theatrical project around participatory rating systems and the notion of public opinion.
Since 2016, Justin has also been leading theatrical training activities for young people.
It also carries out scientific coordination activities in the field of scientific research.
Didier Nectoux, Musée de Minéralogie MINES ParisTech, FRANCE
Didier Nectoux is Director Director of the Mineralogy Museum MINES ParisTech. Doctor of engineering geology, works to introduce the general public to the wonders of this collection.
Passionate popularizer, he regularly produces videos posted on social networks (Youtube, Facebook, LinkedIn), and participates in the writing of numerous articles and books intended for the general public.
He is the author of "Mineral Curiosities" (Editions Omniscience 2013, 2017) and the co-author of Guide Géologique Ardèche (Brgm editions 2016), "The poetic system of elements" (Edition Invenit 2019).
Object Theatre
Antonia Leney-Granger, Théâtre du Renard
Director of the Théâtre du Renard, Antonia Leney-Granger is a Montreal artist and educator specializing in object theater and transdisciplinary creation, including bridges between art and science. His work touches on several artistic forms: theater, storytelling, podcast ...
His insatiable curiosity is the starting point for each of his creations, which explore the transmission of knowledge in a playful and poetic way: astrophysics, quantum physics, ecology, economics, philosophy, etc.
Very involved in her community, Antonia sits on the board of directors of the Association Québécoise des Marionnettistes (AQM) and UNIMA-Canada.
Christian Goichon, La Rochelle University
After a career as a specialized educator, Christian has forged himself in scientific culture in Montreal, by creating different concepts of science / public meetings with the Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology.
His company Les Brasseurs d’Idées takes on the challenge of communicating and telling the story of science by mixing staging and meaning with a dose of humor, even absurdity, assumed!
He is also working on scientific culture projects at La Rochelle University, such as the scenographic concepts for the Fête de la Science, or the Science Challenge in 2 words.
In addition to being an MT180 coach (writing, staging) for 7 years, Christian is also the author of around forty humorous columns for the scientific program Impatience (RTS) among the Helvetians.