Registration for Science & You's "Journées Hubert Curien" Conference and Forum is open! This international event on science communication aims at bringing professionals together: researchers, teachers, PhD students, heads of museums and science centres, business leaders, journalists and science communicators from all over the world, come and share your vision on science communication, debate and reflect on what will be the scientific and technical culture of tomorrow!
More than 700 professionals are expected to attend Science & You, which will take place from June 3rd to 6th at the Centre Prouvé in Nancy. Combining theory and practice, Science & You will further the debate on the stakes and the future of science popularization. The list of the keynote speakers and the themes they will be discussing has already been published: the plenaries promise to be of great interest!. The quality of the speakers, along with the most innovative demonstrations of science popularization techniques, bode well for a rich programme, in which varied and complementary visions of science culture will be represented.
More than 100 exhibitors will be present in the 3000 m² of the Forum. Located at the Centre Prouvé, in the heart of Nancy, the Forum is intended as a meeting point between science communication professionals and the general public. Demonstration spaces (stands and scientific workshops), debates (science cafés), live performances (science theatre), and interactive exhibitions... Among the exhibitors, we can already announce the presence of universities, research organisations, science centres and museums, companies and associations: CNRS, INRIA, Généthon - école de l’ADN, Université de Toulon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, CCSTI La Turbine, EDF, Festival du Film de Chercheur, Observatoire de Paris, Espace des Sciences Pierre Gilles de Gennes... A pre-programme with the Conference workshops and the projects presented in the Forum are available here.
Want to register? Please fill in this form until May 26th. After this date, you will be able to register directly on the spot, at the Centre Prouvé.
All fees can be found here.
For any question regarding registration, please contact Marie-Laure Clausse: mlaure.clausse@nancy-tourisme.fr