Guidelines and resources

Resources to download: 




FAQ oral presentations (simple papers, discussion panels, symposia)

- What presentation material can speakers bring?

Each room of the Conference Center will be equipped of a video projector and of a computer (PC Windows), from which speakers will be able to project a Powerpoint presentation.
There is no need to send your Powerpoint presentations in advance to the organisation team: simply bring it on a USB device. Expected format is 16/9: you can download a template on this page.

- Will the Conference Center be equipped with a WIFI access?

A WiFi access will be provided to all congressists. IDs will be communicated on site.

- What is the duration of a simple paper?

A simple paper lasts 15 minutes. The Scientific Committee will link 3 to 4 simple papers to form a symposium and fill a session slot of 75 minutes. The end of the session will be dedidated to comments and questions from the audience.

- I am a speaker in a simple paper. Is there a running order of speakers?

The running order of speakers of a parallel session is specified on the website:

- I am a speaker in a simple paper. Will there be a convenor for the parallel session? 

Yes: the Scientific Committee has designated a convenor for each parallel session.

FAQ poster presentations

When will poster presentations take place?

Poster session will take place at the heart of the Forum, Thursday November 18th, from 11h15 to 13h45, in the Hall 2 of Metz Robert Schuman Conference Center. Posters can be displayed as soon as November 16th, and will have to be taken down by the end of the Conference, on November 19th.

- What format shall posters be?

Posters format is A0 (dimensions: 841 x 1189 mm, portrait layout). Posters will be displayed on grid panels, please provide for eyelets (2 on top, 2 at the bottom).
You can download the poster template here:

- I am a poster presentator, but I am prevented from traveling to Metz in November due to health restrictions. What can be done?

Registered poster presenters who will not have the possibility to physically attend the Conference because of health restrictions have the possibility to send, at their own expense, their printed poster at the following address before November 1st:

Université de Lorraine
Science&You, Direction de la Vie Universitaire et de la Culture
91 avenue de la Libération
54000 NANCY

The poster will not be sent back after the event.

- I can't find the answer to my question in the FAQ :(

For all enquiries, please contact:
